

咨询此项目. 安-玛丽·布坎南| 423.869.7158 | 安玛丽.buchanan@lmuent.edu 

The 2023-2024 year represents a milestone as the 49th year that social work degrees have been offered at Lincoln Memorial University. 为田纳西州的社会工作项目, LMU has decades of experience in educating the next generation of social workers. If you would like to be a member of a dynamic and challenging profession that focuses on improving the quality of life for individuals of all ages, 家庭及其社区, 你在LMU社会工作专业的学士学位就像在家里一样.

The LMU Bachelor of 社会工作 program provides students with the academic preparation and practical experience needed to start work immediately after graduation as an entry-level generalist social worker or enter a graduate school. Most students complete the major for social worker in the four semesters of their junior and senior years. 你可以选择田纳西州的社会工作项目, but only LMU offers the foundation and supportive social worker education to guide you to a BSW degree and assist you in finding a job placement as a bachelor's level social worker.


近50年的成功之后, the social work degree at LMU stands apart as an educational cornerstone of our academic departments. 为什么它这么特别?


  • Is 全国认可的社会工作教育委员会(CSWE).
  • 结合课堂教学和监督 实际代理经验 这是其他专业帮助专业人士不包括的.
  • 提供知识, 价值观和道德规范, and skills social worker classes need to work with vulnerable populations using 优势透视学习方法 和工作.
  • 为社会工作提供一个项目,重点是教育和指导 经验丰富和有执照的教师 谁继续参与社区机构.
  • 的特色是 咨询委员会 组成的 社会工作从业人员 谁是课堂和特别活动的演讲嘉宾, 招生委员会成员, 现场主管和兼职教官.
  • 在社会工作项目中提供机会来建立简历 志愿者工作和实习.
  • 提供学生 进入继续教育 through social work education workshops, conferences, webinars, community projects and research.
  • 准备学士学位的社会工作毕业生 直接就业,国家许可程序和高级学位.

A bachelor's degree in social work will teach you how to help people identify the resources available to deal with their needs and concerns. 它们将人们与服务和其他资源连接起来, 建立新的项目和服务, 写资助, 并倡导个人或团体. A bachelor's-level social worker wants to be part of the search for solutions to today's problems such as poverty, 失业, 歧视, 不公正, 无家可归, 药物滥用, 以及各种形式的家庭暴力和虐待.


安玛丽布坎南, PhD, MSW, LMSW, 社会工作教授, Program Director and Chair, Department of 社会工作. 




The 14-course curriculum (52 of 122 credits required for graduation) in LMU's Bachelor of Science in 社会工作 program exposes students to the knowledge, 价值观和道德规范, 以及他们在工作中取得成功所需的技能. 当你在LMU学习学士级的社会工作课程时, 我们的课程将为您与个人合作做好准备, 家庭, 组, 社区, 和组织在各种问题上.

Students also have many opportunities to learn about the National Association of 社会工作ers (NASW) Code of Ethics in their courses during the Bachelor of 社会工作 degree program. NASW道德准则的副本可在此找到 http://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English,课程描述也包含在 当前大学目录.


a =一般教育或学位要求
b =专业要求


课程 小时
UACT 100大学成功策略 a 1
林肯的一生和遗产 a 1
英语101写作I a 3
*SOCW 100社会工作入门 b 3
科学要求 a 4
历史要求 a 3


课程 小时
英语102作文II a 3
历史要求 a 3
选修 3
科学要求 a 4
数学要求  3



入学 to the LMU 社会工作 degree practice courses and internship consists of the following steps:

  • 应用 并被澳门威尼斯人赌城录取.
  • 宣布主修社会工作 和你的导师一起制定课程计划. Transfer credits from other CSWE accredited programs may be accepted as substitutes for LMU 社会工作 Program courses, but no credit for life or work experience is accepted to substitute for LMU 社会工作 Degree courses.
  • 申请入学 被LMU社会工作项目录取 在大三第一学期结束的时候.
  • 应用 for admission to the LMU 社会工作 Program Field Experience at the end of the second semester of the junior year. 入学 to Field Experience must be completed before enrolling in Field Experience and requires completing all of the Lincoln Liberal 艺术s Core (or equivalent); all social work degree core curriculum with grades of "C" or higher; and a cumulative GPA of 2.0或更高.



美国.S. 美国劳工统计局 职业展望手册 预计2020-2030年社会工作者需求将增长12%, 哪个比平均速度快得多.

  • 工资中位数 (截至2020年5月)-每年51,760美元/ 24美元.每小时88英镑
  • 2020年的就业岗位数量 - 715,600
  • 预计的社会工作职位空缺 (2020-2030) -平均每年78,300人

You can expect job growth and openings to be available for healthcare social workers; child, 家庭, and school social workers; and mental health and 药物滥用 social workers.


各种机构都有工作机会, 包括家庭健康和临终关怀, 养老院, 康复中心, 学校, 社区行动/服务中心, 采用, 寄养, 儿童保护服务, 老年中心. 我们的毕业生通常在毕业后六个月内找到工作, 和LMU社会工作项目的毕业生有资格在肯塔基州获得执照, 田纳西州, 弗吉尼亚和其他周边州.


The LMU 社会工作 Program has developed placements in community agencies in southeast Kentucky, 维吉尼亚州西南部, 和田纳西东部. All field supervisors have baccalaureate or master's degrees in social work and many years of practice experience. 实习地点包括:

  • 家庭健康和临终关怀
  • 养老院
  • 医院
  • 学校
  • 社区行动/服务中心
  • 采用服务
  • 寄养
  • 儿童保护服务
  • 少年司法
  • 老年活动中心
  • 组织家庭
  • 资深的服务


Students in the LMU 社会工作 Program have received research awards from the Appalachian College Association for original research projects in the areas of retirement planning for teachers, 儿童保健的可及性, 为老年人提供的服务, 药物对老年人的成本影响, 东田纳西州的儿童饥饿救济, 以及为寄养家庭的“超龄”儿童提供服务.


研究生s of CSWE accredited baccalaureate social work programs are eligible for admission to accelerated master's programs at regional universities.


The LMU 社会工作 degree recognizes student academic accomplishments through membership in the Eta Nu Chapter of Phi Alpha, 全国社会工作荣誉协会. The Outstanding 社会工作 Student is recognized during the Awards Day ceremony each spring. The 社会工作 faculty choose the recipient based on the student's performance in the classroom and field; participation 和领导能力 in various roles within and outside the university; and the student's potential as a social worker as reflected and demonstrated through attitude and performance, 和领导能力, 合作, 灵活性, 倡议, 和自信. The LMU SHARE Club is a recognized bachelor of social work student organization that provides opportunities for socially concerned students to reach out to the surrounding community with volunteered services.



Dr. 安玛丽布坎南
社会工作教授 & 社会工作主席


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