


J. Frank White Academy provides co-curricular activities to serve as academic, 有创意的, recreational opportunities for success and to stimulate lifelong habits of health, 健身, and interest in the well-being of the physical body. The athletics program includes interscholastic team sports for middle school and high school students (see 澳门威尼斯人赌城 for more information).

俱乐部 at the Academy include Junior and Senior β俱乐部s, 全国荣誉学会分会, 第一优先俱乐部, 和钥匙俱乐部. High school students shall also have a unique opportunity to apply to participate in the yearly World School International Forum. 目的地不同, but JFWA students comprise the United States delegation that participates in World School. Other opportunities for international and domestic travel, 还有当地的实地考察, 会在可能的情况下提供吗.


Membership in these honors societies is by invitation only, and is based on grades and academic achievement.



中间 & 高中

National β俱乐部 is the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America. And for more than 80 years, it has prepared today's students to be tomorrow's leaders.

National β俱乐部's mission is to promote the ideals of academic achievement, 字符, 服务 and 领导 among elementary and secondary school students.

成就 - Recognizing and honoring high academic achievement
字符 - Preparing young people for life and empowering them to be successful
领导 ——培养未来的领导者
服务 -彰显我们的校训: 让我们以服务他人为先导

Read more about the national organization here!




National Honor Society (NHS) membership has been the true mark of student achievement for over 100 years, 但它远不止成绩单那么简单. 通过授权, 支持, 认识到全面发展的学生, NHS provides schools with a values-based framework to elevate a culture of scholarship, 服务, 领导, 和性格. NHS chapters operate in all 50 states and many schools around the world, engaging and serving more than one million students.

Reflecting school leaders’ profound commitment to student 领导 development, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) founded NHS in 1921 based on the four pillars of scholarship, 服务, 领导, 和性格. In addition to NHS, NASSP founded and manages 全国青少年荣誉学会 (美国东部时间. in 1928), 全国学生会 (美国东部时间. (1931年) 全国小学荣誉学会 (美国东部时间. in 2008).


Our co-curricular activities offer Knights ways to expand their learning and form relationships beyond the classroom. Knights are encouraged to get involved in co-curricular clubs that suit their passions and interests. 看不出你在找什么? 联系JFWA管理局... 你也许能帮上忙!



关键的俱乐部 members around the world are learning how to lead and stand for what’s right through 服务 and volunteerism. In partnership with their local Kiwanis club, high school students are making a positive impact as they serve others in their schools and communities.

关键的俱乐部 is a growing organization with global reach. With 1000s of clubs in more than 38 countries, the impact of 关键的俱乐部 members can be felt all over the world.

Learn more about the global organization here!



你喜欢玩电子游戏吗? 你喜欢友谊赛吗? Do you want to share pro-tips with fellow gamers? 那么游戏俱乐部很适合你!



The Pep俱乐部 helps JFWA Knights show their school spirit!

Meets Mondays during Break in Upper School 115.



的首要任务 at JFWA is a chapter of 的首要任务 of America. 的首要任务的存在是为了教育, 火车, and provide resources for Christian students to legally form clubs and share their faith on their school campus.




Ping pong is a fun, fast-paced sport that has a global following and even an Olympic presence! Join the 乒乓球俱乐部 to sharpen your skills and enjoy some competition!



Interested in developing strategies and skills that will aid you in many areas of life? 检查...伴侣!




The internet and social media allow us to more globally connected than ever before. Join the 世界文化俱乐部 to continue broadening your horizons, 并学习如何成为一个优秀的全球公民!



If you enjoy art, creativity and socializing with other artists, please join us in the 艺术俱乐部. We have occasional meetings, gather for art 有创意的 crafts, field trips and many laughs.

Ms. 利特尔曼监督艺术俱乐部.



J. Frank White Academy Scholars Bowl Team competed in a tournament with 64 other high school teams from East Tennessee and came away with the championship trophy Nov. 16, 2023.

阅读完整的新闻报道: JFWA学者碗冠军

Practices from 3:00 - 4:00 pm on Thursdays.



The 著名音乐学会 consists of the most dedicated music students in grades 8-12. The society was created to provide opportunities beyond the typical classroom experience & 建立一个音乐社区. Members go on exclusive field trips, play additional music, & 在音乐室帮忙 & 音乐会. 成员们还会指导年轻的音乐家 & 参与服务项目. 加入, students must be upstanding classroom citizens who show 领导 abilities, 参加高中管弦乐队, & 能看懂音乐吗.

Dr. 柯林斯监督这个俱乐部.



The 骑士的作家 is a student organization that organizes, 编辑, and produces an annual anthology of student writing. We want to showcase the excellence of our student body by making sure their poetry, 论文, and short stories are available to everyone who wants to experience them.  先生联系. Thomas获取更多信息.



If you enjoy reading and you are in 4th/5th grade, 小书虫 is lots of fun! We read different books and discuss them in our Book Club Meetings. If you like reading, laughing, and good book club snacks, 小书虫 is the club for you!

欲了解更多信息,请联系. 长.